Saturday, January 17, 2015

Party Cloud Dough | Glittery Fizz

Welcome to the most awesome sensory play this side of the Mississippi. It is soft and moldable, yet dry and crumbly. It is made of just two ingredients. After the kids are done shaping it and using it for imaginative sensory play, you can add vinegar and it becomes a really cool science activity. Prepare yourselves for some pretty outrageous fun. I call it Party Dough because of all the glitter and the "Ooh's" and "Aah's" that are elicited as the kids experiment and play!
Party Cloud Dough | Glittery Fizz | Science Play for Kids
We used the same basic recipe for Erupting Snow as found on Growing a Jeweled Rose. Since we wanted Party Dough we added food coloring (blue) and TONS of glitter of all colors. I also added a little bit of water to make it less crumbly and more moldable. It worked beautifully and the kids had a blast playing in it.
Party Cloud Dough | Glittery Fizz | Science Play for Kids
The kids had fun playing in it with all kinds of toys and tools. They scooped it into little cups, molded it into cookie cutters, made an igloo, stirred it, and ran their fingers through it just to see how it felt. (Note: Fizzy Cloud Dough is not edible.)
Party Cloud Dough | Glittery Fizz | Science Play for Kids
Once they were done with sensory play, we got out the vinegar and let the real magic begin. The kids used plastic pipettes to squirt the vinegar onto their Party Dough, squealing with delight as it fizzed and erupted into foamy bubbles. This was definitely the highlight of their play!
Party Cloud Dough | Glittery Fizz | Science Play for Kids
We even caught some of the glittery fizz on video!
Want more sensory play ideas? Check out our Play Gel, made from a surprising (and disturbing) source.

Craving more fizzy fun? Try building a film canister rocket (eye protection encouraged) or get directions to make your own fire extinguisher!

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Saturday Science

STEM Saturday | Science Math Engineering Technology for Kids
And now on to our STEM Saturday link up! Check out our wonderful co-hosts and link up your own math and science activities:
Moon Math Game from Stir the Wonder
Valentine's Day Polygon Building from Lemon Lime Adventures


  1. I am going to try this out! Look so fun! Thank you for sharing it with us #pintorials

  2. Looks like fun! Thanks for linking up at the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop! We hope you join us next week!


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