Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Halloween Window Gel Clings

Back in April I posted a recipe to make your own window gel clings. The ones we made in April caught the warm rays from the sun all spring and summer until my five-year-old decided it was time to start decorating for Halloween. We replaced our spring window jellies with a spooky Halloween version this week.
Please note: This is the first time I have EVER decorated my house for Halloween. You are witnessing something special here, folks :) I'm usually much lazier than this. Last year my son wanted to decorate our house so bad, so I sent him to the neighbor's house to help them decorate their house for Halloween instead. I didn't get off so easy this year :)

We used orange, black, red, and green food coloring this time. We used the gel food coloring instead of the regular food coloring we used last time, and I can honestly say I didn't notice a difference. Both work just fine. I left out the glitter this time around. It will probably come back out for our winter/Christmas themed jellies :)
We had four cookie cutters - a ghost, a pumpkin, a cat, and a bat. The window jellies turned out wonderful and the kids loved playing in the leftovers. The gelatin is cold and squishy - a great sensory experience for the kiddos!
Also, don't look too close at my dirty windows! They are clean on the inside, I swear. And if I clean the outside, they just get dirty again and that's not good enough for me!

Be sure to check out my previous post for the entire easy how-to and enjoy!

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  1. It would never have occurred to me to make my own window clings - neat idea!! thanks for linking it up to the virtual fridge!

    1. Thank you! Love all that you have going on, too!

  2. How do these hold up in direct sun and heat? I only want them to last a month, but I am in an area with beating sun.

    1. That's a great question! We always stick them in our southern facing window that gets lots of sun and they stick just fine. Portland isn't particularly hot most of the time, though :) I would love to hear how it works when you give it a try.

  3. I've never tried to make these but imagine they'd feel quite unique. Adding these to my to-do list!

    1. They do feel nice and cold and squishy! My kids always love playing in the leftovers after we get the pretty ones on the windows :)

  4. This looks very fun! And effective on windows. Thank you for sharing it on Best Toys for Toddlers FB page. :)

    1. Thank you! Love all the fun things you have going on as well :)

  5. This is very interesting and beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us #pintorials

  6. Thank you! They are especially beautiful in our southern facing windows during the winter-such magical reflections flood our front room :) Thanks for stopping by!

  7. This is a fantastic idea. I will definitely try this out. Thank you for sharing #pintorials

    1. So glad you like it! Give it a try and let me know how it turns out :)

  8. Oh, how neat! I love the idea of making your own clings! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

    1. Thank you! They are definitely one of our favorite activities to do each season :)

  9. I may have totally missed it but is this just jello?

    1. I guess you could say it's a version of Jell-o! It's made with unflavored gelatin. Edible, but not very tasty! As some sugar and fruit flavoring and you've got yourself some Jell-o :)

  10. what a cool craft! i bet my girls will enjoy it too!
    thank you for linking up with the #pinitparty

  11. What a great idea, I can see my kids messing with the leftovers for forever.

    1. Yes, it's SUCH a fun sensory experience! It's cold and squishy, and edible, too!


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